Corporate Training & Consultancy
The E-Factor Sdn. Bhd. endeavours to achieve the best in all its engagements through the expertise and experience of its consultants and trainers. Established in 1995, it has provided consultancy and training to public and private sector organisations. We have worked effectively online providing both training and consultancy services for the private sector and the Sarawak State Government.
Scope of Expertise
Legal And Institutional
Legal and institutional arrangements for organisations to function optimally.
Public Private Partnership
Public private partnerships through various modes of execution.
Organisational Development
Organisational development through strategic restructuring and capacity building
Natural Resources Management
Natural resources development and management.
Owner and Operator of the English Language Centre
Our current and recent consulting commitments:
Lead Consultant for the Study for the Restructuring and Elevation of the Native Courts of Sarawak.
Legal and Institutional Team Leader for the Sarawak Hydro Lakes Management Masterplan Study.
Legal and Institutional Team Leader and Natural Resources Management Team Member for the RECODA Regional Highland Integrated Development Masterplan Study.
Capacity building in Federal and State government departments and agencies and the private sector:
On-going training for officers of the Sarawak Civil Service through SCOPE.
The company develops its own training programmes tailored to meet the requirements of its clients, particularly with a view to understanding the Malaysian local cultural situation.
The key tools for change are given through language competence. Participants up-grade themselves through newly acquired language skills.
Courses include skills for effective communication, customer service and meetings; business and report writing; public speaking and presentation skills; telephone techniques; English for the hospitality industry and tourism; English for the medical sector.
It has been an honor for the E-Factor Sdn Bhd to collaborate with Pejabat Setiausaha Persekutuan Sarawak in conducting a series of English Language training workshops from June to November 2024. The course “Power Up Your English” which was held at the Auditorium, Sultan Iskandar Building, Kuching ended on 26 November 2024.
The trainers, Dr Rosaline Eu, Mdm Christina Lau (HRDC Accredited trainer) and Ms Phalippa Gabriel (HRDC Accredited trainer) have been most impressed with the progress the participants have made throughout the learning journey.
Majority expressed appreciation for the opportunity to polish their English grammar and learn useful phrases throughout the course to apply in their daily interaction with people in the workplace. They enjoyed the many fun activities specially planned for them to engage with one another.
Each one of them received a certificate of completion and from the smiles in their faces, there is no doubt that they are happy with their achievements. We have also taken into consideration their recommendations to cover future courses at a shorter duration and to have more competitive games.
All good things come to an end and we wish all the staff at SUPS all the best in their future endeavours.
About 30 members of the staff at Pejabat Setiausaha Persekutuan Sarawak, Jabatan Perdana Menteri attended the 2nd series of the English course ‘Power Up Your English’ on 17 July 2024 at the Auditorium, Sultan Iskandar Building here in Kuching. The course is specially designed to improve the language competency of the staff by providing opportunities for them to practise the grammar structures such as giving and following instructions, giving directions, using imperatives and prepositions. The training involved numerous interactive and fun activities which the participants enjoyed. The course aims to improve the language proficiency of the staff. They are now looking forward to the 3rd series of training in August next month.
In line with the government’s call to embrace English in the public sector, Pejabat Setiausaha Persekutuan Sarawak, Jabatan Perdana Menteri, has recently appointed the E-Factor Sdn Bhd to provide English courses for their staff. The trainer, Dr Rosaline Eu, assisted by Christina Lau, HRDC certified trainer, conducted a successful first in-a -7 series of sessions at their premises on 19 June 2024. The theme ‘Power Up Your English’ aims to empower the staff with the confidence in the usage of the English language through active participation in role plays, demonstrations, a quiz, a brain gym activity and doing grammar written exercises.
The three-hour intensive training was a delightful experience for all.
ELC offers English courses to government agencies and private institutions. Recently, 15 participants from SLDB (Sarawak Land Development Board) attended the Business English Skills course from 14th to 16th June 2023. The trainer was Mdm Christina Lau, a certified licensed trainer and also the principal of ELC. All the participants have found the course to be fun and interactive. They learned skills in report writing, presentation and grammar.
Recognising the importance of improving communication skills in English, Majlis Islam Sarawak has collaborated with ELC to Run the English Proficiency Course . Fun and interactive activities include group and pair work doing brainstorming, presentations, role plays, competitive games and sorting out problems regarding language use .
About 130 participants from Miri, Bintulu, Sibu, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu attended the HRDC High Performing Trainers and Training Providers boot camp 2024 at Sheraton Kuching on 6-7 November. ELC principal, Mdm Christina Lau, a HRDC accredited trainer was one of the participants.
The two-day intensive program has inspired everyone to use their knowledge and skills in conducting training to their maximum potential in order to make a difference in the community.
The speakers were experts in their own fields. Some were CEOs, founders and directors of different companies. A few were authors. There was a total of eight presenters, namely, Elaiyaraj Retnam, Rita Krishnan, Frank Furness, Rizal Azis, Raymond Phoon, Geetha Kandish, Jaklin Juanis and Major Dr Prebagaran Jayaraman. The participants were awed by what they learned from these dynamic speakers. One of them, Frank Furness, a global speaker from the USA, presented his topic online.
Generally, the presenters emphasized on the importance of continuous learning in upskilling and reskilling to adapt to the changing world. They shared tips on how to:
1. do fast, effective networking and collaboration for training
2. master sales and marketing in the training industry
3. master TNA for targeted learning solutions
4. safeguard innovation in the training industry
5. implement ESG in L and D within the organisations
6. measure the return of investment and effectiveness in training
7. utilize digital tools for productivity in L and D
8. master change in the workforce by continuous learning
Participants were given plenty of opportunities for networking where they shared ideas and experiences. New friendships were created. They collaborated with one another to perform tasks assigned to them at each table. Oh, how they loved the energizers - the music, the dances, the fun and the laughter!
Thank you, HRD Corp Malaysia for organising such a great event!